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February 10, 2011


Dave Lawrence

I knew you would have to mention this after our discussion. Great to see you this week.

Dimitris Krekoukias

What the article fails to address are some of the other major shortcomings of EMC (and actually most other) gear:

1. High impact snapshots
2. High impact RAID6
3. Not a truly unified storage (regardless of marketing)

Dedupe is but one part of it.

NetApp systems perform well WITH dedupe and snaps and RAID-DP all at the same time.


Mike Shea

As usual, nice post. If we look back over time, we see *over and over* again how EMC has found itself behind NetApp, only to work to cob together some half-baked scheme to claim parity. Truth be told, if that is all that they have - 'parity', then they cannot claim leadership, the two don't fit together.

If nothing else, the scoreboard shows a NetApp growth rate twice that of EMC. There is a reason for that, and you highlighted it perfectly.

Take out VMware from the EMC equation, and what is left over? Were I still and EMC serf, the very thought would make my blood curdle.

(BTW - we are hiring leaders who want to join us in the journey to the top!)

Michael Colby

Vaughn, you failed to quote the first of two paragraphs of which the one you quoted was the second. Quoting the 2nd without also quoting the 1st misleads the readers of your blog by misrepresenting the context. You failed to include the quote which included that EMC "will bite NetApp in the ass."

Your blog makes for good entertainment for the home crowd (and I read it for the sheer entertainment value, like I read good fiction) but your citation standards are suboptimal. I'm as much a fan of "bread and circuses" as the next guy, but I thought it would only be honest to provide the complete quote instead of just the portion you provided out of context.

For the record, the 2 paragraphs from the article in The Standard for the complete context:

If this really is EMC's sole remain deficiency compared to NetApp for virtualised server storage then Viper's product will bite NetApp in the ass. Netapp's recent strong run of results in the virtual server and desktop areas, compared to EMC, will come to an end later this year, other things, such as VNX array functionality and pricing, being equal.

If EMC has misread the situation and NetApp's lead lies in its current feature superiority, such as block-level primary data deduplication, as well as in the general smoothness and integrated management and feature sets across the FAS array range, then NetApp will continue to enjoy its long run of above-average results; leaving EMC scratching its head and wondering just what the hell it has to do to rein in the Sunnyvale upstarts.

be well my friend.

Vaughn Stewart

@Michael - Thanks for the feedback. I authored this post from the floor of PEX and suffice to say it reads as if I might have attempted to do so between numerous discussion with partners. :)

This morning I made some edits including providing a quote from Mr. Gelsinger and elaborating on a point or two.

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