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December 15, 2010


Jon Kohler

Will the VSA ever be available outside of this offering, potentially with a "learning" or Eval license so non-netapp centric people can experience what NetApp / ONTAP is all about?

Vaughn Stewart

@Jon - Today (DOT 8.0.1) is available as a simulator prepackaged as a VM to customers and partners. The capabilities of the ONTAP-v powered VSA will enable a number of new solutions and capabilities and one on our roadmap is a freely distributed VSA for public test/eval. It's coming sooner rather than later, so please be patient.


Couple of things:
- diagram says "Vmware"
- Are there any prices available?
- Will it also hold SSD?
- Any performance numbers around storage?

Excellent piece of kit for SMB type of "Cloud in a box" or "VDI in a box" type of deployments.

Dan Pancamo

Now this is what I've been waiting for, I think! A complete all in one virtual solution?

Gonna need to think about this for abit; If ONTAP-v is a VM, and get its disks from vmware, then where does VMware get it's disk from? The SAS array? Will ONTAP-v volumes then be used for the other VMs? via what protocol?

Lots of question here... like do you really need raid inside of ONTAP-v if it's already being provided via hardware?



Interresting, but It's hard to understand why a VM is hardlinked to a Fujistu blade server.

Will Ontap-V be supported on any x86 server ?

Scott McD

This sounds a lot like Lefthands/HP 's VSA. I had looked at that solution in the past but wasn't sure of the performance of it all, but seeing as this is DataOntap, I'd be more likely to give it a go.

I think @DuncanYB is correct in saying, Cloud in a Box.. Vmware has already stated that ESX is being phased out as of 4.1 and moving strictly to ESXi which can be installed on a usb drive or SD card internally on most modern servers.

So now we can re-purpose all that DAS in our servers and serve it up to the DataONtap-V filer as raw storage. Then image you had two ESX hosts each running Ontap-v and Snapmirror...

Really interested to see where this is all going... going to start with 8.0.1 Sim..:)

Michael Nauen

Does the netapp appliance have metrocluster functionality ?
Can it be used with dell and hp servers?

Allthough emc is moving in this direction

Shawn T

I'm confused how WAFL/ONTAP would work without a physical NVRAM card present. Isn't the interplay of NVRAM and WAFL a fundamental part of ONTAP? Does the VSA virtualize some of the Fujitsu RAM for this function?

I've always wondered what prevents ONTAP from being installed on any generic x86 server since the vast majority of FAS hardware is commodity. I assumed the NVRAM card is actually NetApp proprietary and what is checked by the BIOS during the OS install. Similar to how Compellent's Storage Center software checks for the presence of their proprietary cache card.


If all SAS IOs go through hypervisor layer, it will be extremely slow and will be of little use.

If there is only one Data ONTAP VM running the entire blade, why VMware? Is data ONTAP stack split into multiple VMs (file system, data mgmt)? That will require lot of testing and create need for recertification of APIs.So in that sense ONTAP-v is not ONTAP.

Ole Andre Schistad

"If all SAS IOs go through hypervisor layer, it will be extremely slow and will be of little use."

Actually, no.. Hypervisors add very little latency in comparison to the latency of the disks and the end-to-end infrastructure. The primary issue will probably be the lack of a proper write cache on the virtual filer - it most likely has to immediately commit all writes to the cache of the onboard SAS-controller.

But the presence of a hypervisor isn't really all that relevant in this case. The real limiting factor is the storage blade itself; since it can only hold 6 disks you would probably limit this solution to small-scale production such as a remote office, and in my opinion it is an excellent solution for that use case.

Your performance will most likely be limited by the IOPs that those 6 disks can deliver, and by the speed of the medium used to access the filer (most likely 1GbE, possibly spread across multiple NICs for multipath iSCSI).

Ole Andre Schistad

I have one question though: Will ONTAP-v support snapshot replication (eg snapmirror)? And specifically, will it support snapmirror between two instances of ONTAP-v?

Vaughn Stewart

@Andre - Ontap-v supports replication from virtual to physical systems today. Where the future goes will be driven by partner & customer requests. All functionality is in the VSA, any limitation is merely a software imposed limit.

@Shawn - We have virtualized the NVRAM layer. As I can't find public references I don't believe I can share any more info here. If you're a customer you can contact your sales team and we can setup a NDA briefing to discuss in greater depth.


Great to read, but I don't get why it's tied to a particular hardware platform. That doesn't really let us take advantage of it being a VSA if we can't run it on existing ESX servers we already have and it's functionally equivalent to buying another physical SAN array...

Vaughn Stewart

@Chris - I believe we have followed a well established model by delivering a new software based solution on a certified platform. This model is very common, for example VMware ESXi is only supoorted on a number of server platforms. Can ESXi run on non-supported hardware? Absolutely.

With our initial foray into the VSA marketed we needed to ensure consistency in delivering our capabilities to the customer, and our internal metrics show that we've accomplished this goal.

At this point I'd love to share with you the VSA roadmap, but unfortunately I can not share NDA roadmaps in my blog. What I will share is we have plans to continue to innovate and the VSA is an interesting platform for us to innovate with.

Stay tuned, I'll share more when it is appropriate.

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