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December 01, 2010


Aaron Delp

Disclaimer: I work for Acadia/VCE but I also follow the NetApp technology.

Vaughn, couple of technical questions for you on the implementation. I'm sure a TR will be released at some point to cover this but the following pops into my head.

1. Is compression at the volume or aggr level? I didn't see that listed. I assume volume level like dedupe

2. Will compression only happen if compressable (is that a word?) blocks are in the cache at the same time and are therefore compressed in cache and then written to disk at the next consistency point?

3. If the above is true, then it isn't like the old days Intel 286/386 days of disk compression (and dedupe when you think about it) where you would do a pass of the disk and then a compression run after that.

4. Since most of the heavy lifting is in cache, is this only in cache on the controller or is compression PAM aware as well?



Vaughn Stewart


Hey buddy I hope things are going well. Great questions, whch I may need to clarify the content in the post.

Compression is enabled on a per FlexVol basis, but it requires the FlexVol to reside on a 64 bit aggregate. Compression occurs as the data is injested (after NVRAM ACK to host ) and before it is written to disk.

Take care.


Its very intresting reading your opening:It’s no secret; NetApp wants to sell you less storage than any other storage vendor....
Its also not a secret NetApp wants to give you for free anything that will cause you spend much more money in the future....

Like DeDup, Also NetApp compression increase your controller utilization, decrease performance and force you after a short time to upgrade your storage controller. this is of course bring NetApp much more revenue than disks you buy....
BTW - I wonder why no one is talking about the "other" solution - the old Storwize company IBM just acquired. An appliance based solution solve all the problems customers need to face with while implementing NTAP compression.

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