At long last, I was able to find a video copy of the panel session TA8623, the Storage Super Heavyweight Challenge. Thanks to Simon Seagrave for the recording and posting the video.
This session was very rewarding on multiple levels, first it was a reunion of sorts for Adam, Eric, Chad, and I (we contributed on the multi-vendor iSCSI best practices post and on the VMware communities podcast #66).
The session was hosted by Cody Bunch and Mike Laverick, which featured an open format where the audience posed a question to the panel and each member had 2 minutes to respond.
It was very rewarding to see this session materialize as Chad and I have been attempting to have such a session for three years!
I'm confident that I speak for all of the panelist when I share that this was way too much fun for it to be considered work! I'd like to thank all who participated and attended in this session. Give the session a watch or listen (thanks Techtarget for the MP3), I'd love to read your feedback.
(you can also download a copy of the video for your iPod/iPhone here)
Having attended the session, I concur that it was one of the most entertaining of VMWorld. The cheers and jeers from the crowd, Chad and Vaughn's tongue-in-cheek jabs at each other's comments/answers - all great fun.
Laverick did a wonderful job of keeping you all in line as well! Hope to see a similar session presented in years to come.
Posted by: Daniel Whittaker | September 09, 2010 at 02:36 AM