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January 12, 2010




Thanks for taking the time to post this kind of information. In the VMware world can SnapDrive be used on windows virtual machines to provision additional virtual disks so that they are setup correctly and have the ability to create snapshots? I know it can manage RDM's but what about the vmdk's? I hope this question makes sense. Thanks again!

Vaughn Stewart

Re: [NetApp - The Virtual Storage Guy] Tony submitted a comment to Creating a Restricted vCenter Role for SnapDrive


Thanks for the follow up, great questions!

Yes SnapDrive can create new RDMs, grow them on the fly, create and mount RDM snapshots, etc...

In the near future we will introduce the ability to manage VMDKs with all of the classic SDW functionality. We feel that managing virtual storage objects is the end game to having full integration. We can do much of this now with NFS datastores, and the future only gets better.


Vaughan, Thank you for your quick response. That's always been the missing piece for me. I love the SnapDrive feature set for physical hosts but in the virtual world it can get a bit messy managing three different methods of provisioning - RDM's, iSCSI LUNs from within the VM and VMDK's at the host level. Once this feature comes available I think we'll really start to see the benefits of running SnapDrive inside the VM. As the technology stands today do you see a lot of adoption from customers using the Microsoft iSCSI initiator at the guest OS level or RDM's? Some drawbacks that have prevented me from deploying SnapDrive at the guest level are the following:

1.) VM's generating iSCSI traffic across networks that you may not want. I guess you could always create another vnic but that could get to be cumbersome.

2.) To my knowledge SMVI doesn't currently support backing up RDM's or iSCSI software initiated LUNs.

Once you get the management of vmdk's down I think you are absolutely right that it is the end game to full integration. I'll eagerly await the next release of SnapDrive! Keep up the great work!

refurbished computers

I love the SnapDrive feature set for physical hosts but in the virtual world it can get a bit messy managing three different methods of provisioning.

Vaughn Stewart

@Refurbished - SnapDrive enbles SnapManager for Applications to be installed inside of VMs. While it can provision storage it is not the recommended method.

This message was sent by my thumbs... fault them for the brevity and poor spelling

Ed Hazelden

Hi all,

I'm testing a VM running 2003 R2 fully patched. It is file system aligned according to Netapp Best Practice guide(s) and has installed SnapDrive 6.2P1. I used Snapdrive to create a RDM Lun using an igroup of the ESXi clusters Qlogic HBA initiators. The RDMs mapping files are located on a VMFS lun mapped to the ESXi cluster. From Netapp SMVI best practice guide, it states quite clearly that physical mode RDM LUNs are supported as physical mode *should* be excluded from the vmware consistent backup. My experiences of this from testing however, is that the Ontap VSS interferes with the VM backup and the backup job fails.

Any ideas guys?



can you tell me what firewalls would need to be opened also

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