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November 21, 2009


Steve Kaplan (@ROIdude)


Great post. We've found in our own practice that PAM provides a huge performance advantage. I do have a question. While I certainly agree with your statement that virtualization changes everything - how does PAM specifically benefit virtualization as opposed to storage performance in general?



By adding dedupe into the virtualized mix you get to store more VMs on the same footprint (or the same on a smaller, if you will).

Now with dedupe aware PAM cache you also get to serve far more VMs or VDIs from that PAM cache because you're not chaching redundant blocks.

This behaviour makes the PAM shine even more in VM and VDI environments specifically than it already does in "general" workloads.

In TLAs (Traditional Legacy Arrays) there is no such thing as primary dedupe, let alone dedupe aware cache. Hence their requirement for huge amounts of spindles AND cache to store VM and VDI environments and get the same performance...


Are the algorithms for the PAM cache and/or the stock controller cache documented? I'm curious to know if it is something more intelligent than LRU so when all of my linux vm's update the locate database at 4am my PAM cache or controller cache don't evict valuable cached data with a much longer in-cache age and frequency of cache hits. Thanks and looking forward to receiving my FAS 3000 series sometime soon.


Great post. Joshua Konkle also talks about PAM-II in his blog on 'Cloud Strategies for Engineering Apps'. Worth reading if you want to visualize how PAM-II changes configurations--fewer disks, tier-less storage etc.

Here is the link -- http://blogs.netapp.com/engineeringapps/2009/08/cloud-strategies-for-engineering-applications.html

Jeff Tabor


Great points. SPECsfs2008 results demonstrate storage efficiency, including write caching for massive reductions in the number of disks required, linear performance scaling in a single file system.

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