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October 18, 2009


Steve Jones

I read the post and I am truly amazed. I know I heard it said that such could be done — but I couldn't wrap my head around the mechanics of making this happen.

The implications are staggering. This means that our customers, when hosted on NetApp storage, can at a moment revert to a physical realm in order to address just about any issue in just about any scenario — with ZERO impact to the production environment.

Question: Is anyone aware of any other storage vendor that has this same capability to convert a VMDK?

Comment: I assume that this process cannot be easily applied to the boot "disk" due to driver issues.


@Steve, you could do a tricky boot-from-SAN, but the easiest way would be to have a physical box on standby, with a comparable version of Oracle (same patch level) installed and powered down, waiting to mount your luns/disks to it.

One thing I would add, especially for NFS/dNFS, is that to clone your vmdk's, requires a VOLUME-LEVEL snap, i.e. you have to mount the entire datastore in which your VMDK's reside. One of the beauties of NFS is how well it dedupes and scales, so it behooves you to cram everything into one large datastore (check volume size limits for dedupe compatability!)

I found that the more I crammed into one datastore, I took a negligible performance hit, and increased my dedupe %'age.

Point is, these methods work, but sometimes you can't remount ANOTHER 1-2TB volume. I would almost go through the effort of spinning up another smaller volume, mount to vmware, svmotion the vmdk's to it, THEN snap. Seems...."safer."

It is fine to store your OS vmdk for linux/solaris in this big massive datastore, but your oracle bin/data/log/tmp volumes are still just going to be typical flexvol's on your storage that you mount via fstab/vfstab, with no regard to vmware.

This scenario also makes for easy support scenarios. Have another physical box laying around, install same patch level oracle, copy over your $ORACLE_HOME, umount NFS from VM, and remount your NFS mount points.

I honestly don't know that I would ever use these methods for a V2P support scenario, but with SMO+Flexclone, I could easily restore a copy of the database somewhere else (i.e. physical), which seems worlds easier to me. Correct me if I'm wrong, please!


Vaughn Stewart

Nick - thanks for chiming in on this topic. Obviously you are in the vanguard when it comes to virtualizing Oracle.

Bill Pechter

Great post. I've been trying to get the answer on how to do RDM's on FC on a Netapp also supplying VMDK file system FC luns to the same VMware box with no success.

I'd love to see a white paper or doc about how that gets done.

Vaughn Stewart

Bill - have you read TRs 3428 (VI3) or 3749 (vSphere)? This should be covered in both?


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